I'm not even American and I didn't like it
I didn't give this a 1 because this Flash is quite insensitive at a time like this (and trust me, I don't care about or give those "OMG, you should so care about the people of 9/11" speeches), which it was (Happy 9/11 was a bit over the line, as this certainly isn't a happy day), but rather for the actual Flash itself.
I gave you a 1 because this Flash was 2 minutes of the same 8-10 clips played over and over in different sequences with some text in between. Also, the music got annoying being played that long, as all it did was get marginally louder and a bit faster over the course of the movie. On top of that, while it was 3D, it was incredibly bland. Everything was gray, which is very unappealing. And lastly, if you're gonna do Flash with the crash in it, do it right. The plane should have hit the other building that wasn't already on fire, if anything.
Seems like you just wanted to get a quick submission into the Portal because of the day, which unfortunately happens a lot.