View Profile CrazyChihuahua
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Allen McLean @CrazyChihuahua

Age 35, Male

Lead Lab Tech

Edmonton, AB

Joined on 4/22/03

Exp Points:
2,170 / 2,180
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.65 votes
Police Sergeant
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Hey folks. I'm currently working on Time Assualt 2 with edit-undo (feel free to play the first if you haven't :P), and we're hoping the people of NG can lend us a hand. The first one was filled with lots of little screaming ninjas, but too many sounded the same. That's where you people come in!

If you want to submit something, it's simple: just send us a scream. Try to get creative with it. Or, just give us the loudest, most blood-curdling scream you have. Just try to make it humourous, and better quality is of course appreciated. We can do some noise removal, but nothing crazy, so try to make sure there's no weird noises in the background.

Also, make sure it's under 3 seconds long!

If you submit one and we use it, you'll be fully credited in the game with a link to your userpage.
There are some things to note though before you send us a clip:

- chances are it will be edited somewhat (just to make the volume match that of other clips, or for fading and such)
- we are going to attempt to sponsor the game, so if for some reason you aren't down with sending a bit of your voice in for something that might make money, then by all means, don't send a clip.
- make sure it is in either .wav or .mp3 format

That's about it for restrictions. Email any clips you have to scott.editundo@googlemail.com

We look forward to hearing your screams!

Recent Game Medals

4,430 Points

Never Give Up 5 Points

00E - Use a continue

Death Blossom 10 Points

05 - Use Rage move on Level 5

Ballooney 5 Points

05 - Pick up an extra balloon

Meatspin 50 Points

04 - Beat Boss (with beef)

Blocktorock 10 Points

04 - Block an Octorock's projectile rock with your shield

Slowpoke 10 Points

04 - Get turned into a snail

Flurry Frag 10 Points

04 - Kill all the flurries in the lion key room

Anger Issues 25 Points

04 - Clear 20 rooms of all enemies

Die Dragon Die 25 Points

04 - Kill Aquamentus

Super Slash 10 Points

04 - Use Rage move on Level 4

Latest Favorite Audio
